Let me first say there is just never enough time in the day to keep up on everything. I am so sorry this is so far delayed so I am doing one huge dump of photos from November and a list out the things that we were able to accomplish. Let me say that I am so happy with the progress that has been done to date.
Well after not having the ability to work on the boat for the past month, we are finally able to get started working on boat projects again. We have only been able to take and drop items to the boat along with items there were ordered and delivered for next projects. Today comes another drop off as I don't see how we will be able to get anything done today but if you are wondering, here are the plans for the rest of the year for our projects: Boat needs to be grounded and galvanic isolator to be installed, plumbing goes in, Water connections from outside now come into the boat, poop box gets installed, we need to move the battery switch so we can install the hot water heater, install the galley sink and counter tops, install a fully functioning head (yes, sink, plumbing, toilet and shower are up next!), figure out if we can convert the twin beds in the aft (master cabin) and covert that to a king bed. Also, dingleberry needs some patches. We found leaks when we were cleaning her before the hurricane.
After surviving the hurricane, we decided to leave for Annapolis early. We will be stopping in Savannah, GA for a few nights and then head out to VA to visit family before our final destination in Annapolis, MD for the largest US Sailboat Show.
Andy has been at the marina every day and some days a couple of times. This was a crazy storm. It turned south of us at the last minute and made landfall in Fort Myers just one mph short of a cat 5! We went out to the boat on the 28th (wed) as the hurricane was making landfall. Not the most brilliant of ideas but really we had very little wind and rain.
Well today is the day that we have to prepare for the impending hurricane. Based on model reviews, the hurricane has a large swath path however, the greater Tampa Bay appears to be either below it or right in the middle of it. There is just no telling with these things. It's currently a Cat 2/3 and appears that it could even become a cat 4 in the coming days.