Well today is May 31st, yes, I have finally got the website completely updated (well photos for April and May will be uploaded later). What a month it has been! Andy had a business/work trip for the 1st week of may so nothing was completed for the 1st week. We have had to shift our focus to packing up the house and getting ready to move onto the boat.
I am still running somewhat behind in getting the site updated. The work progress is still going relatively slow as well as we seem to have slacked off due to the incredible weather. There has been some changes to our personal life that I am going to address now. As of the end of April, Nancy has been laid off from her job. Additionally, we have decided to list our home for sale (prior to knowing that we would be down to one income) so it all seemed to be working out ok for us or at least we certainly hope so.
Boat projects seem to be taking a little longer than we expected however, this month we do a 1st quarter check in to see how we are doing with our goals that we made at the end of the year. We are definitely heading out to the boat more often in the evenings for meals and to relax. Projects on the weekends are limited to just a few hours in the morning until we start the festivities on "E dock".
Well hello again and welcome back to our update for February and the projects that we completed. We once again had a huge list of items to complete and that list just keeps growing and growing or at the very least we are breaking down the projects a little more into manageable pieces. Things are slowly coming together. We have had days where everything comes together and other days where just nothing goes right and we are fighting just to finish one thing. We have learned that when we have the difficult days to just stop, call it a day and just relax.
Time keeps slipping away on us. My goal for 2023 is to try and stay more current on the update and progress for SV Free Spirit. Keep in mind that Andy and I are both still working full-time and with trying to work, add more work to the boat, mange our home and kids and just staying up on life, some things are forced to take a back seat. That being said, I have forced myself to slow down today and get the updates out to you all that are curious about what is going on.