We took Free Spirit out for a first time day sail. A complete video will follow on You Tube as soon as we can catch up on our Boat yard progress. We are a few months behind in video to release. We had some friends come with and spend the day. There is a hurricane coming but in the meantime, we wanted to get her out for a day sail. After reviewing weather and tide charts we planned for a departure of no later than 10:30am. We all got on board, put our things down below and prepared to get her to leave.
Today we brought the smallest of our fur-babies, His Royal Highness, King George! He is a 2 yr old male, Caviler King Charles Spaniel. He is my (Nancy's) baby. Since he is the smallest of the 3 we have and the easiest to manage, we thought we would introduce him to the boat and check out his sea legs. We have a life vest for him that he will always wear when in the cockpit or out on deck. I would hate to have him go overboard and while he is a excellent swimmer and loves the water, I wanted piece of mind and safety for my baby.
It was a late start and by late, I mean like 11:30 am.... Andy was helping a friend all morning so we needed to wait for him to get done before heading over to the boat to start a short day of projects.
So we had big plans for the day... Got to the boat and seriously, it's a beautiful day so why work? Completely lost all motivation to do anything... Nancy just sat and stared out, watching the boats sail on by.. Andy just can not not do anything... he loves and needs to tinker... so he decided to fix the one serious leak we found in the companion way... but he used the 5200 that was black and I need to seal the cockpit floor to stop another leak in the engine room. Since that one was not bad, I wasn't too upset. Just means another trip to West Marine or another item to add to the next order for Amazon.
How Exciting! Today is the day that we take plunge and move S/V Free Spirit from Cutts Edge Marina in Palmetto, FL to our new homeport in Clearwater, FL. She will now only be 15 minutes from us and I expect that we will be on board with her in the evenings now as we continue the adventure and never ending list of projects to get her done.