Well the time has finally come. We learned a lot this month as Andy tackled learning how to create the new shelf and fiberglass as we prepared to have the generator installed. In an effort to be transparent we totally bombed that one on the 1st attempt. Somehow we weren't able to get the mix done correctly during the measure process so the fiberglass didn't stick. We had to go back after work one night to try again. We were pleased when we went back the following day to find out that it worked. We then painted the new shelf with Total Boat, Bilge paint and applied 2 coats.

Well the time has finally come. We learned a lot this month as Andy tackled learning how to create the new shelf and fiberglass as we prepared to have the generator installed. In an effort to be transparent we totally bombed that one on the 1st attempt. Somehow we weren't able to get the mix done correctly during the measure process so the fiberglass didn't stick. We had to go back after work one night to try again. We were pleased when we went back the following day to find out that it worked. We then painted the new shelf with Total Boat, Bilge paint and applied 2 coats.

The generator went in next... wow... the engine room has quickly ran out of room. While the install was not completed, there was parts list made and we wait for the next available date for the installer to finish. Some of the additional items that the installer is going to do is connect both the fwd and aft fuel tanks to the generator and add the missing hoses. In the meantime, to be able to ensure there is sufficient fuel, we start to bring in the jerry cans - 5 gal at a time/15 gallons going in each visit to the boat until we can get both tanks full. The engine is currently shut off because of the generator going in and the battery to be moved to the new location in the engine room.

One of our friends was also able to complete his dinghy and we found a rather usual evening where the ICW was flat and clear which means, out the dinghy comes for a night time cruise. We saw dolphins while we were out cruising.

Finally, we were able to start the next project to continue moving forward. With the approaching heat of summer, we found some insulation and started to insulate the ceiling throughtout the boat. What a difference this makes. You can already feel the difference even if it is only a few degrees. Hum, I wonder what will happen if we changed out the salon windows and add black out curtains... but I digress... That is father down the list.

We took the pups for another dingy cruise from the boat to One Tree and of course they all enjoyed the afternoon frolicking in the water. They are living their best lives for sure.

While it didn't seem like much happened, there was. The things that we did, took longer to do than we realized, we learned a lot and can't wait for the generator to get completed and installed. Once that is done, we should be ready to start the shake down cruises that we need so we can really start cruising.

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