Well hello again and welcome back to our update for February and the projects that we completed. We once again had a huge list of items to complete and that list just keeps growing and growing or at the very least we are breaking down the projects a little more into manageable pieces. Things are slowly coming together. We have had days where everything comes together and other days where just nothing goes right and we are fighting just to finish one thing. We have learned that when we have the difficult days to just stop, call it a day and just relax.
Feb projects that were done: We finally got the granite countertop in and placed in the forward head, the sink was installed and new plumbing was laid out. We did out 1st fuel fill up (used diesel gas jugs), did out first pump out of the black tank. Say what? We got our 1st luxury appliance this month... we got an ice maker!! We also installed netting around the boat because well let's face it, the dogs are going to leap off for a swim one day and we needed to keep them in. Nancy continues to work on sanding down the toes rails, not anywhere close to being done with that as all of the wood now needs to be sanded and prepped for varnishing.
Hot Dang!! We got AC on the boat now!!
Once again, we had some high days and some really low days. It was a short month as well. Considering the limited amount of time we have we continue to keep pushing forward and bringing her back to life. We want to take her out sailing again but the weather is not cooperating with us. If it's not the wind, it's the current. Our slip is not the easiest to get in and out of with Free Spirit.