Updates that ended for March have been slow as we are waiting for several things to happen. I am pleased to announce that there has finally been some unexpected and pleasant movement for this month regarding SV-Free Spirit.
We have secured a mover for her from her current location at Indiantown Marina and she will be moved to her new location (temporary) to Cutt's Edge Marina in Palmetto. We are on the waiting list for a 50 foot slip in Clearwater where she will only be minutes from us so we can visit her daily.
We also registered our new to us dinghy which we affectionately named "dingleberry" well because she does hang off the side of or back of Free Spirit. What fun is this if you can't laugh? So now we are hopeful for a day out on the water with dingleberry as some test runs. There was a slight issue with the motor that needed a little thing fixed and well, Andy who is as amazing as he is was able to fix it. (Thank you Advanced Auto!)
We received our IRS tax exempt status and approval for non-profit status. Now beings the painstaking process to search for companies that we can have a partnership/sponsorship with to begin the retrofit. Thank you to our first Sponsor, Goin Postal in Palm Harbor for providing a PO Box and mail services. We would be happy to connect you with them and provide contact information.
Parts that were needed have started to come in for the below water thru-hulls that all need to be replaced. The engine was also shipped and has been received and is awaiting installation on Free Spirit. Bottom paint has been received and will be done while she is on the hard with an awesome referral for boat work to be done while she is on the hard and we have to work. We hope to have the splash day within 2 weeks of arriving in Palmetto.
Most of this happened within the last week and so we have been busy and are excited to see the progress and the start of our dream to become a reality.
Happy sailing, Fair Winds and most importantly: "Never Stop Learning"