Boat projects seem to be taking a little longer than we expected however, this month we do a 1st quarter check in to see how we are doing with our goals that we made at the end of the year. We are definitely heading out to the boat more often in the evenings for meals and to relax. Projects on the weekends are limited to just a few hours in the morning until we start the festivities on "E dock".
We went out with our dock friends for the day on their speed boat (3/6) and had a ton of laughs. The water in the gulf is still way to cold to go in at least for me. I was talked into joining the rest of the ladies on the water mat and while I froze it was a lot of fun.
Things that were completed this month are the following items: Andy completed the provision boxes that were created in the empty space between the hull and the floor so this made for some wonderful storage. I have 4 new boxes to be able to add provisions and supplies. They are looking great! We had "Joe" back on the boat to assist with working on the wood paneling in the forward cabin. Andy also added the fans that we had and we found this really cool bottle opener that we found on board and attached it. Now we can open bottles. We also did our 1st hull cleaning on the boat. It seriously needed it since there was no cleaning done since we splashed in the water back in Sept. All in all, it wasn't that bad and we were able to get most of it done ourselves.
Projects for April will continue and I hope that we can make some more progress. We have discussed possibly going out for week shake down cruise however, until we have a way to recharge the batteries this won't be possible since we are still tied to the dock.
We will continue to keep pushing forward and update as soon as we can. The puppies are enjoying the boat with now and come out every chance we allow them too.
Thank you for following us and the unexpected delays that we seem to have with trying to get some of this done. (mostly delayed because of funds needed to purchase some additional supplies but that should be resolved by April).