Well we closed on the house at the end of last month and have taken a few weeks off to try and get settled between moving to the RV and boat and it’s been quite a challenge. As I make this update (it’s currently mid July) and my Jeep still looks like I am living in it. I started a new job at the end of May as well and that has been a learning curve for me as well. I now commute daily to the office but hey I can bring my fur baby to work so that is something. I try to take him in at least once a week right now.

Back to the update. We purchased e-bikes for each of us that we can use on the boat as our land transportation. They are very comfortable and quite cool to go out riding on. Of course the boat looks like a disaster zone and it’s very hard to get to anything but I did manage to spend a day putzing around and getting some organization done. Got some baskets and moved clothes in there and started to take stuff off the boat that we just didn’t need in there at this moment so it’s a lot of back and forth between the RV and storage unit to get stuff situated and get some sort of normalcy back in our lives.

We took one day off from weekend boat worked and got talked into playing bookie with some friends on their jet boat. It was a nice relief to spend time with them and just be out on the water playing and relaxing. Picked up some sub sandwiches and drinks for lunch. George loved it out there swimming all day and was very tired when we returned home from the outing all day.

Time to get back to making videos every week and getting some content for you to enjoy. It’s been a while but I am happy to say the videos are back up. They are currently several months behind but there is a huge gap with everything that we have been going thru that we may catch up and slow down since we are limited to working on the boat just on the weekends. Time will tell. Andy is still taking our scheduled time off for the week of July 4th and maybe he can get some stuff accomplished without me bothering him to get stuff done. Wish me luck in being able to view or use any of the content.

We heard from some friends who are currently cruising in the Bahamas and they have issued us a challenge. That our floating home is to be ready to go off the dock and stay out on the hook but the time they return in August. Challenge has been issued and accepted so now we have a long list of stuff to do to make her cruise ready and be able to leave the dock. Let see what we can do in the next 6 weeks or so!
