We had an amazing 4th of July! There was ton of food and plenty of time spent with Friends. We are so grateful for this life and the people we are around. I made some delicious corn bread for the feast and some blueberry cobbler which I was told was not to be shared! It was gone with just the immediate and super close friends. We ate until we were stuff and then sat outside with cocktails in hand and watched the fireworks show put on by the City of Clearwater. Not much else got done this weekend so it was really a weekend off for us to play and relax.
This past weekend we got so much accomplished and wow, does it feel good to start making the progress again. Andy is on a mission to get some items ticked off the list and who am I stop him? I let him take over when he's ready and will and stuff gets done. We were left alone to our own devices this weekend (no kids/no dogs) so we can focus on getting stuff done.
We 1st cleaned out the aft head (affectionately called "the garage") so we took a load to the storage unit. Anything that wasn't for a project currently in process was removed so we can have some more room on the boat. As we need it, we will take it from the storage unit to get the projects completed. We also took a load of trash and I do mean a huge load of trash and scraps that were also not needed so we can now have room to sit in the cockpit again without tripping over everything trying to get in/out of the boat.
Now onto projects; because we cleaned out the garage we were able to figure out where some missing pieces to the boat were and where they went. Can you believe 2 1/2 years later we are still finding pieces to put together? This time we found the 2 missing doors for the forward head which we were happy to locate and install. We also found the missing shelf to the liquor locker that we just couldn't figure out if there was one or not. Turns out there was! Also, got that installed.
The ductwork is now complete in the aft cabin and the vent cover put on so now the AC doesn't blow directly onto us and is looks nice and finished.
The auto pilot is about 80% complete, we still having to make a bushing for the shifter (the hole is too big) and connect the wiring for the autopilot before we can take the boat out to calibrate.
We need to finish taping up the windows in the salon so they don't shatter when we remove them to have them replaced. Andy also was able to get both AC units secured in place so they don't move when we are under way and also got the Fridge, Freezer and Ice maker all secured as well. All hoses that were below the waterline were also double checked to ensure they had double clamps on them.
Andy also got the Ray Marine Instruments installed in the cockpit so that is huge for us!
All in all, not bad this month progress is still progress and we moved the needle some forward and got stuff done. It was another great month filled with fun and eats!