More amazing progress was done this weekend and some work was stalled because of the heat (and high chance of rain). Here are the updates:
Bottom painting hasn't been done yet and the contractor is still working on installing the prop shaft seals and the thru hulls. We hope to have this completed this week with the bottom paint being the last thing. So we are going to have to increase the time we have in the work yard to get these projects completed so we can move forward with the next steps.
Engine and Thru Hulls: A few hiccups there, some connection pieces are not fitting together for the engine so it's causing a delay. We hope to get that together once the parts we have ordered have come in so we can install the engine. The thru hulls should be done by the end of the week so we can get the galley put back together and try to figure out where the rest of the drawers go inside.
Our work this weekend consisted of the following items being started, worked on or completed. We removed the old propane tanks and connections from the boat. They were horizontal tanks and were way out of day and not useable any longer. We decided to keep/convert to electric for the galley (with a gimble cooktop and oven). The safety poles and lines were installed this weekend as well. A temp fix to connect fans in the salon was also done so we can have some more air movement because let's face it.... it's summer in Florida and the heat and humidity are taking a toll if you have be inside for any extended period of time.
More sanding.... I thought I did a good job and was further along in the sanding process then I really was. When I went to the boat on Saturday, I realized that I only did part of one side. So I needed to finish that side and complete the other side. Not to mention there is lots of sanding of other items that I just can't use a sander for (post for wind scoops, sliding support for masts, hatch covers in aft and etc.) so those will have to be hand done, I think. If you know of another way, let us know. The teak that is surrounding the edge of the boat is going to be fiber glassed in because that is just too much work and I would literally be doing nothing for weeks but sanding. While it's beautiful to look at, it's not worth the amount of time away from enjoying life. We will keep the forward bow sprit in teak because adds to the character of the yacht.
The cockpit sitting area... where do I begin with that non-sense. Why on earth would someone put 5200 in each screw and glued down the teak? I decided to remove this as there were some broken pieces and lots of splinters and let's face it, I didn't want to add more sanding to the long list of places that needed it, we thought it would be a good idea and easy to remove. So what what thought to be a few hours job has turned into several weekends. We have to dig out each screw head and then unscrew before we can pull up the boards (a crowbar is needed for this but we are using the nail edge of a hammer to pull them up!). They are however, pulling off the gelcoat as well so before I can affix the new flooring, we will have some repairs to do. I will be installing the foam teak look flooring that is used on all motor boats that is easy to install and will cushion your bum. I will be making some cushions as well as I see days at sea where I will be laying out there and relaxing. We completed one section and before we left on Sunday, I started another section. With this next weekend being 3 days, I hope to have all the teak removed.
Depending on where the contractor is in the process of either the engine, thru hulls or paint will dictate what we can work on and where. The list of items so far that we would like to work on are: Fixing the 2x4 that was removed in the settee floor and replace all of the sub flooring that is missing. (We have to watch where we are stepping now so we don't fall thru and this is a safetly hazard as only one person at a time can walk along the floor.) Find a home for all of remaining drawers and put the galley back together so we can at least move around inside. Outside we need to: finish the sanding of the handrails and other areas that I can access with the hand sander, finish removing the teak in the cockpit, remove the vinyl stickers of her old name and prep for new stickers to be added (has to be done so her name is on when we move her to the new marina) and sand and trace the side of the bow sprit for the design (keeping current design). We won't be able to sand when we get to the new marina so if I can make the templet of the design and sand and prep for conditioning and varnish, I will be happy. Other small projects (maybe not) remove chimney and install solar fan in place of chimney and some other small items that won't take time like sanding the USCG No plate and repainting the numbers and maybe getting measurements for things and such.
More to come next week so keep following us for regular updates.