Well live is difficult this month and we don't have very many weekends this month to get work done. In fact, we will be on vacation for 9 days which wipes out 2 solid weekends. So we decided to make this month filled with fun and enjoying the boat as much as possible without the pressure of trying to get things done on a schedule.
We took a cruise for our vacation and of course, we went to the Eastern Caribbean. It was some very much needed time off. We ate too much and played too hard and I truly thought we needed a vacation from the vacation.
Upon our return we took a sunset cruise one evening searching for the ever elusive "green flash" sadly we didn't find it.
One project we did attempt to do and was not able to finish was the bow roller. The anchor does not currently lay flat so we need to get this installed however, the new bow roller is not lining up with the current set up on the bow so now something must be modified. We opted to push this down to another weekend so we can obtain necessary items to complete.
Of course, we also decided that it was time to get the auto pilot installed. Andy was able to get part of it installed however, there is an issue with installing the arm and the holes are not lining up correctly. We again have to see what we can do to get this modified and installed. So this also is being pushed off.
So basically, once these last 3 items are completed (hopefully in the next month) we can start the shake down cruises and we can discuss days to leave the dock and start our cruising adventures. The universe has said we needed time off and so we took a pretty decent break for this month.